Pendant Automation Diary – Pendant Day
“We enjoy making each other laugh and creating a fun working environment. We don’t take ourselves too seriously. We believe that a team that has fun together performs better.”
Having fun is a Pendant core value. Friday we celebrated Pendant Day with our entire team at our headquarters in Havre de Grace, Maryland, with a healthy dose of food, drink, and fun on the menu.
Oh, and competition, too. Friendly competition. Mostly friendly. Ok, maybe somewhat serious.
We started with a game involving Lego that at first glance appeared to be competitive, but in truth wasn’t (and we can’t reveal any more than that).
Then we had the kind of games you play when your best softball/baseball/football/basketball days are over (cornhole), the kind of games you play when you never could hit a baseball, make a tackle, or hit a three (Kan Jam), and the kind of games you play in your basement or at your kitchen table (ping pong, cards). Never heard of Kan Jam? Come visit us and we’ll set you up with Shmedley, who can show you the ropes (the discs?) of the “fun-filled, action-packed team game that everyone will be playing this summer”.
Of all the games, the cornhole competition was the most hotly contested. Pete showed himself to be a deadly cornhole assassin, kind of like the Iron Byron of cornhole. But even a player of that quality suffers when his teammate, how can I put this delicately, poops the pallet. By the way, please don’t ask me to reveal who was his teammate, because I really don’t want to embarrass Shmedley. In any case, Pete won way more than he lost despite the ball and chain he was dragging around.
Sai was a cornhole rookie. He loves a challenge and proved it by slinging the bags at high speed with a launch angle only very slightly above the horizontal, which turned into a binary outcome. His bags either went directly in the hole or ended up at least twenty feet past the board. He pulled it off enough times to win a couple of matches.
There was even a highly competitive game of Uno that was accompanied by the requisite trash-talking between John, Crowe, Michael D and Sai, who somehow managed to get involved in that one, too. Observers commented that he seemed to prefer very fluid interpretations of the rules depending on the circumstances, but the others kept him in check.
Rob did a great job of handing out the “Pendies”, Pendant’s version of the Dundies handed out by Michael Scott in “The Office”. Thankfully Rob did not attempt to rap during his presentation, and nobody fell drunkenly off their stool. Everyone was appropriately offended (meaning not too offended at all), probably because everyone had been well-fed and had even more food to look forward to, courtesy of JD’s Smokehouse.
The coming week will be a little tougher, without a week-ending feast to which we can look forward. The good news for you is we’ll have more time to actually work on your stuff!
Hey, I’d like to get in on that fun!