Pendant Automation Diary – Rodney or Colleen?
Because we reside in Havre de Grace, Maryland, we are fortunate enough to be surrounded by a lot of wildlife. Our weekly activity includes several “walkabouts” in which I accompany someone on a walk along the Havre de Grace promenade for a conversation away from the distractions of the office. The conversations cover a variety of topics, but usually topics that are top of mind and important.
Walkabouts include the pleasure of walking on the waterfront where the Susquehanna River empties itself into the Chesapeake Bay. You can think of the Bay as basically the tidal portion of the Susquehanna. Susquehanna info From this spot you would travel 200 miles down the Bay to reach the Atlantic Ocean. On any given day you see an abundance of waterfowl, including several varieties of duck, Canadian geese, gulls, the occasional eagle, and ospreys. Havre de Grace promenade
Local Treasure
A short walk from our offices, a waterfront townhouse community plays host to one of our local treasures. An osprey nest sits atop a pole occupied by Rodney and Colleen, and some fairly recently hatched chicks. The featured photo is a shot I took of the nest, with one of the birds on watch.
If you pay attention around town, you can see these beautiful birds going about their business. A few weeks ago, during a business dinner on the waterfront, an osprey, perhaps Rodney or Colleen, flew overhead making straight for the nest with dinner grasped in its talons. The poor fish, either unaware of or completely resigned to its fate, looked straight ahead and calmly enjoyed the ride. It renewed my respect for these magnificent creatures who have far less trouble than I do confounding a fish. It reconfirmed that the only fish I catch cannot possibly have any respect for themselves.
If there is enough inducement for you to want to visit Havre de Grace, be sure to look us up. We’ll be happy to arrange a walkabout for you, too.