A Message for the Season
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Most weeks when I sit down to write a new post, the most time-consuming part of the process is choosing a topic. I often spend time browsing for potential subjects on the internet. Googling “what should I blog about today” is frequently helpful, as you can see here: https://lmgtfy.com/?q=what+should+i+blog+about+today So I stumble around the internet, and occasionally I find something very interesting but not directly connected to anything I would normally write about, so I don’t include it. But I’m going to share one of those with you today because it contains some of my favorite themes, and one theme that is entirely appropriate for this season of the year. It’s also a very useful reminder of the value of each individual you meet, and how unpredictable outcomes can be.
The following talk was given at a TedX conference in Ottawa, Canada, just a few weeks ago. I hope you enjoy it as much as I did. And to you and yours, all the best for the holiday season, however you celebrate it, and for a happy, prosperous, and healthy new year ahead.